Richard Francisco
Full Stack JavaScript Web Developer and a recent graduate of the University of Arizona with a certificate in Web Development and Coding. Technical programming experience in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Firebase, Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Express, Handlebars.js, Materialize, Owl.js, and React.
With a passion for technology and problem solving, I continuously look for innovative ways to refine and improve processes.
My professional background includes extensive experience in business management and customer service. Known for being a leader and a team player.
Currently reside in Vail, Arizona with my wife of 17 years and our 8 year old daughter. In our spare time we can be found at the dance studio watching our daughter's rehearsals or spending time hiking, camping, or other outdoor activities.
A social media site for coders to display their projects
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public Click to view project!GifTastic
App that does an Ajax call to giphy API and displays gifs!
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public Click to view project!Hangman
Hangman type game built with JavaScript, and Bootstrap.
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public Click to view project!Friend Finder
Friend finder app using Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, Node.js and Express.js.
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public Click to view project!React Memory Game
Memory game built with React and Bootstrap 4! 1st project built with React with a focus on event listeners and updating state
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public Click to view project!RL Outdoors
Outdoors site built with React, Passport, Owl.js, and Materialize that searches your location for outdoor activiites
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public Click to view project!